2019 IS HERE
We have alot to look forward to in 2019. I've outlined some of the Changes I've made, and expect to make, in Facebook already, and will be addressing them here as well. Although many of my changes were planned and considered for many months prior to the conclusion of 2018, some came out of nowhere and completely unexpected. Nevertheless, I am anxious and highly looking forward to both attributes as they sequence into 2019 and beyond.....
Most of you so far generally know me via Facebook. I am humbled and grateful for your following; some even more than a decade now via social medias.
Within this Facebook domain of mine, I have tested the social expandability many times over, in noting the algorithms of FB. On your regular FB pages, they limit you to 5000 (of which I've been at since early 2015 now). On your "public figure"-type pages you can have an unlimited amount of viewership overall, but they tend to try to get you to "pay" for publicity/viewership expansion.... I have 0 interest in that approach. So I also created a "Group" page. I chose my photography in this group... a little different than other "group pages" because it is specifically just for my own photography advertisement. It is not a "photography posting page for all". The group pages also can have unlimited amount of viewers. But again, FB squeezes the algorithms, limiting the reach. However, I have found out that all of these alternative pages can have much bigger viewership simply by the audience themselves attributing/interacting; that's really all one has to do. By simply adding yourself, liking, sharing, reacting, or commenting on the page topics, the viewing gets seen more and more and tends to stay in the audience's newsfeeds.
With that said, I now have all these pages, in an attempt to spread my influence and also to see how they work.... as well as the most advantageous.... You can follow me in either of these rather new pages too. Come and add yourself! :
PHOTOGRAPHY - https://www.facebook.com/groups/JesssePostPhotography/
WEATHER EVENTS/STORM TRACKING MISSIONS - https://www.facebook.com/JessePostExtremeWeather/
FURTHERMORE, the expansion of this website here at 'WICKED STORMS' will continue, and all the things I have in mind to do within as well.... I'll own this website forever. Eventually I would prefer to be more known for my website here, versus come and go social media sites......This website will likely become a general visual storyteller-type autobiography of the rest of my life.