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Wednesday, January 10, 2018
By Wicked Storms
A Humble Note - I Confess
(Care to read?)
I want to start this year 2018 off clarifying something that seems to get mixed up by folks that don't know me, or don't understand me (same?). I am making some changes too, but not necessarily align with the populace. These changes will be of how I interact and present things in social medias. This topic has been a form of social media beratement towards me at times , because it's "different"; but in turn, this has helped to be a driving force catalyst in excelling me in it as well. I understand there are other motives on this topic too, but this anecdote will not pertain to that now...
This will be my 1st full year ever in my life, with a DSLR camera in my hands. I have always been an "Artist" from within, all my life. Never, a "photographer".... You will not find in any writings that I have ever written, that I said I am some kind of "Mr. Photographer" of some sort; but I don't berate others' styles in their sequences. As a matter of fact, I've been argued at by some when I have suggested my "noob" ways, and my admittance of being "an apprenticeship into photography." How "professional" were you in the 1st year you ever touched a baseball?
LESSON in Life: Don't ever try to be like someone else.... The only person you have to compete with, is YOU, in making YOU better today, than you were yesterday.....
LESSON 2 in Life: I don't mind walking alone sometimes.... it becomes one of the easiest ways to find YOUrself.....
With that being said, I've never in my life been a "follower". I also have almost 0 interest in being some kind of "traditional photographer" either. I don't care to see the bird's eyeball on a branch in the back of a field......
I DO however, absolutely enjoy combining my artistry, with my newly discovered photography fundamentals, that have taken it's course in developing my "style". Ironically now, this style has been seen and complimented around the world at times....literally. My intentions are more in the lines of "being able to boldly see some of the things that the eyes don't get to see" in a wow factor of boldness and depth. Alot of what my eyes see out there, is rather boring to me. But with a little adaptation, art combination, and knowledge of digital graphic skills, my progress continues to evolve. I DON'T care to "reproduce an image to exactly as I saw it". That is not me. Maybe 10 years from now, after I've mastered the skills of a Nikon camera, I will concern myself deeper with this technique; but I don't think so. Believe me when I say though, I DO appreciate the critique; it pushes me harder into what I am developing more into in achieving my goals of being "different". Many of you have seen that progress.
One such example of this critique is in my "reflections off my car's hood". "It's not natural" is said.... Really? I didn't Photoshop it in there, AND my eyes never got to see it. But, I captured it, naturally, and enhanced it's beauty, to bring a new depth UNseen by human eyes......even at that time.
Until then and beyond, I will continue to "create" the visual awes that I want to. I will never follow someone else's path. Many actually, have followed some of mine................