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Sunday, February 25, 2024
Single-image with a p&s Canon Powershot
pocket camera back in 2014....
An unforgettable evening for me near an incredible hail core at night on rt34 in SW Iowa back on April 12 2014. This is a 4 sec shutter image using a preset of 'vivid'....and reflections off the roof of my car...
This was in April of my 1st Spring in the Southern Plains! The anticipation and wonderment was at extreme levels.... but so was inexperience....I had very little idea what I was doing and everything was new to me in a world I'd never known. But my tenacity was determined!
I had very little idea what I was doing...
but I was out there doing it and learning every single time.....
Each 'Clik' meant another lesson;
and 10,000 were needed, just to 'start'!
Although I had started out in central Kansas, in mid-2013, this was my 1st time outside of KS and in the beginning of my 1st Spring there too. A very vivid intro into what my next decade was going to look like much of the time....