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Sunday, January 20, 2019
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There is a Secret in the OKLahoma Panhandle. I discovered it by accident while adventuring under the stars for another masquerade astrophotography-shoot with space......


 Alone, a lone old building still stands, that has somehow withstood not only time itself, but the Fury in the Plains as well. Over and over again, the tempest has tested the structure, but has yet to topple it. How? Of all the natural forces of our Earth upon it, is there also some "other" forces, unnaturally, "within it"?


So there I was, my wife and I, the Southern Plains, and infinite Space above us. In the middle of nowhere, no paved roads, no electric, no lights; the basic ingredients for achieving minimal light pollution environments for astrophotography....


But suddenly, in between a shutterfest of clicking away, capturing the dark serenity any way possible.... a mirage appeared. Within the rooms of that dark old uninhabited building, a light source began to burn. It lit up one entire room, leaking light out into the overgrown grass around the door entrance and a side window. The energy seemed to glow....

A gathering.... of souls? or?....

What's IN There? 



So I snapped a couple quick pix in bewilderment to try and capture it eternally. I succeeded. The next image is what I saw within the newly lit vision of within that building..... 

Do you see what I see, or are my eyes playing tricks on ME?

So in a rush and breaching my nervous precipice at the time, I clicked a few more images to compare. The next image was the back, side room, which had not the influences of that light source to fill it. But..... what do you see in there too??

As if by choice, the energy that created the glow of light, illuminated some of that hidden dormant realm. 'The Secret', hidden from most of mankind, within the dilapidated confines of this abandoned old building in the middle of non-civilization....was watching me. 

This was Fiction.... Based in part on a true story. The following is one of the actual images taken of the old building.... the rest is creativity, digital Art, and Photoshop.....

Leave a comment:
Michelle Haggard - WOW FACTOR...
JESSE POST - Jackie, This is part of the optical illusions of photography. The wide angle lens makes the image curve inwards on both sides when taking pix. In post-processing, you learn how to re-align things again. I do have this with and without "The Secret"......
jackie manosh - that first pic would be awesome in a frame (minus the ugly figure lurking in the d dark). weird how the house is straight in the dark and appears to leaning in he day light
Margit Washington - This is awesome and scary at the same time but so surely just loved everything about it
JESSE POST - LOL THANX Christine! :)
Robin Rizzi - Captivating story. If it were a book I would be curled up in my recliner gripping the cover and reading furiously to find our more.
Christina Beers - Meteorologist, photographer, storm chaser, and now an author. This did make a great kids book
Weston - You should do some story writing
Tim White - Sweet! Good story, great visuals to support it.
JESSE POST - Where do I put it on the Life list? lol THANX!
JESSE POST - Thanx Diane :)
JESSE POST - LOL Interesting, Cuz!
Jeremy Krosky - Awesome photo, love things like that. Awesome job and great story. I think you just found something you are good at.
Barbara - I’m so glad I clicked on this.
I was riveted and definitely felt my heart racing as I scrolled through this excellent work.
Dianne - Awesome story & stunning photos!
Denise Vogel - You had me going there for a bit. Even on my phone I was able to zoom in and see everything or vision it through your words. You amaze me each time you post something new.
Diane McClara - Mezmorizing as Always keep up the great work Jesse
Jacquie Sanson - I would have passed out!!! You should try and write a book Jess, around that photo, yeah I know, like you have time to write a book. But you could use multiple photos you've taken and write a really scary kids book LOL , ya know, a nite nite sleep tight bedtime story! This photo and your short blog scared me!
JESSE POST - Thanx Mark :)
JESSE POST - Thanx Janet! ... Alot of me had been dormant for many years, that now gets a chance again to come forth.
JESSE POST - Thanx Stan!
Mark - Wow that’s impressive
Janet DenBleyker - Not only are you an extremely talented storm chaser and photographer, you have a knack for creative writing as well. Despite its short length, and realizing it was fiction, it still had me wondering what was coming next, and attempting to zoom in on the photos. Please keep up the great work and continue to find things to spark your very creative side.
Stan Franklin - Photoshop is great! Cool story created by magic!
Vera Post - My darling husband...this is amazing. Image and story. Just wow!
JESSE POST - Thanx Man!
John Greco - Jesse enjoyed that keep up the great work
JESSE POST - Thanx Man! Def a few hrs. I appreciate you taking the time to interact as I continue to refine my website here
glen feola - Perfectly orchestrated preface to a Steven King or Dean Koonts novel, but I would shy away from the realm of Dr. Seuss. Amazing image compilation that I'm sure took hours to create.